Legend: !important +added -removed ~changed #fixed
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iCagenda 3.5.11 (2015.09.05)
[LOW] Fixed : date format with short month broken (in 3.5.10).
[LOW] Fixed : date format with separator broken (since 3.5.6).
[MODULE iC calendar][LOW] Fixed : display of current month, whereas option 'Loading on Date' is set on a day of the previous month.
Changed files in 3.5.11
[LIBRARY] libraries/ic_library/globalize/culture/en-GB.php
[LIBRARY] libraries/ic_library/globalize/culture/en-US.php
[LIBRARY] libraries/ic_library/globalize/culture/fa-IR.php
[LIBRARY] libraries/ic_library/globalize/globalize.php
[MODULE] modules/mod_iccalendar/helper.php
[MODULE] modules/mod_iccalendar/mod_iccalendar.php